In a stunning turn of events, Nicola Sturgeon has stepped down as leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) amid mounting questions about the party’s finances. Her replacement, Hamza Yousaf, has vowed to get to the bottom of the scandal and restore the party’s reputation.

Speaking to reporters outside SNP headquarters, Yousaf acknowledged that the party had been damaged by the allegations of financial impropriety. “We take these allegations very seriously,” he said. “We owe it to our supporters to get to the bottom of what happened and to ensure that it never happens again.”

Yousaf went on to outline a series of measures aimed at restoring public confidence in the SNP, including an independent audit of the party’s finances and a review of its internal procedures.

“We need to be transparent about our finances and we need to make sure that our procedures are robust enough to prevent any future problems,” he said.

The scandal has rocked the SNP, which has long prided itself on its reputation for honesty and transparency. Some party members have accused Sturgeon of turning a blind eye to the financial irregularities, while others have suggested that the party’s leadership was simply unaware of what was going on.

Whatever the truth, it is clear that the SNP is in crisis. The party has lost ground to the pro-unionist parties in recent polls, and many of its supporters are deeply disillusioned.

Yousaf is acutely aware of the challenges facing him. “We need to earn back the trust of the Scottish people,” he said. “We need to show them that we are a party that can be trusted to do the right thing, no matter how difficult that may be.”

Only time will tell whether Yousaf can succeed in his mission to restore the SNP’s reputation. But one thing is clear: the party is at a crossroads, and its future hangs in the balance.