In a shocking turn of events, fascist groups across the globe have been forced to rebrand themselves as the “far-far right” due to the overwhelming shift of the political landscape towards the right.

“We used to be the only ones calling for authoritarianism and white supremacy,” stated one anonymous fascist leader. “But now, everyone seems to be doing it. It’s getting harder and harder to stand out as a true fascist.”

In recent years, politicians and leaders from various countries have been accused of promoting fascist ideologies. From the United States to Brazil, the rise of far-right populism has brought a surge of nationalism and xenophobia into the mainstream.

“I mean, when the President of the United States is calling immigrants ‘animals’ and ‘rapists,’ it’s hard to be the most extreme guy in the room,” continued the fascist leader. “We used to be the fringe, but now we’re just one of many on the right.”

Experts have noted that the term “far-far right” is likely an attempt to distinguish themselves from more mainstream conservative parties and movements.

“It’s a way for them to signal that they’re even more extreme than the ‘far-right’ groups that have become more accepted in recent years,” said political scientist Dr. Sarah Thompson. “But at the end of the day, they’re all pushing the same hateful agenda.”

While the rebranding may seem like a desperate attempt to remain relevant, it highlights a concerning trend in politics. As the world becomes increasingly polarized, extremist groups are finding more and more space to promote their dangerous ideologies.

“We need to be vigilant against any attempt to normalize hate and bigotry,” said human rights activist Maria Rodriguez. “We cannot allow these groups to gain any more traction than they already have.”

So while the “far-far right” may try to distance themselves from the rest of the right-wing spectrum, it’s important to remember that they all share a common goal: the destruction of democracy and the promotion of hate.