A NatWest employee has admitted to having a soft spot for Nigel Farage. The brave soul, who dared to defy the unspoken rule of unanimous disdain for the former UKIP leader, now finds themselves in a precarious position: feeling remarkably alone in a sea of disapproving colleagues.

The NatWest break room, usually a hub of diverse opinions and open-minded discussions, has become an isolated haven for this rogue Farage enthusiast. Colleagues reportedly scatter like startled pigeons whenever politics are broached, leaving our lonely dissenter to debate the merits of Brexit with the coffee machine.

“I just wanted someone to say, ‘Hey, I also think Farage has a nice tie collection,'” laments the lone supporter. “But instead, I get pitying glances and invitations to company sensitivity training.”

The NatWest Human Resources department is said to be in a state of mild panic, grappling with the unprecedented challenge of fostering inclusivity for someone whose political preferences fall outside the acceptable spectrum.

In an attempt to mend the rift, HR is considering organizing team-building exercises centered around finding common ground. Suggestions include a Farage-themed escape room where participants must navigate a labyrinth of European regulations, or a trust-building exercise where colleagues take turns being “Farage” and “EU negotiator” in a simulated Brexit discussion.

While the rest of the NatWest employees dust off their copies of “How to Avoid Eye Contact When Politics Comes Up,” our lonely Farage sympathizer remains undeterred. They’ve even started a support group for closet Farage fans, meeting in secret to discuss the nuances of his latest podcast.

As this tale of political pariahdom unfolds, the NatWest office might soon find itself divided into factions: those who scoff at Farage and those who secretly admire his ability to stir things up. Either way, the employee cafeteria is expected to remain a no-fly zone for political discourse, as long as someone insists on liking Nigel Farage.