In a stunning ceremony filled with fireworks (and the occasional rocket), former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was honored with the prestigious “Freedom of the City of Gaza” award by none other than the internationally acclaimed humanitarian organization, Hamas.

The decision to bestow this distinguished honor upon Corbyn left many scratching their heads, wondering if it was for his prowess in peacemaking or his unique ability to bring people together (particularly those who share a deep, unyielding dislike for Israel).

Hamas spokesperson Ali Jihad Al-Ironic praised Corbyn for his “tireless efforts in promoting understanding” and his ability to “unite people against a common enemy, especially if that enemy happens to be an ally of the West.”

In his acceptance speech, Corbyn thanked Hamas for the award, noting that he was “humbled to receive recognition from an organization with such a nuanced and sophisticated approach to international diplomacy.”

The Freedom of the City of Gaza comes with some exclusive perks, including a lifetime supply of conflict resolution workshops, a guidebook on how to turn political criticism into a vigorous defense of human rights, and a collection of “Hamas: The Early Years” memorabilia.

While some critics argue that receiving such an award might be a tad divisive, Corbyn supporters insist that it’s a testament to his dedication to fostering dialogue and building bridges, even if those bridges sometimes seem to lead to politically turbulent territories.

As the news of Corbyn’s latest accolade spread, political pundits everywhere were left pondering whether this might be the beginning of a new trend in international relations, where prestigious awards are handed out like candy to anyone with a penchant for controversy and a willingness to stand against the establishment.