Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, has made a heartfelt plea for open borders. His reasoning? A concerningly honest admission that without a steady influx of immigrants, the Labour Party might be left twiddling their collective thumbs come election time.

“It’s quite simple, really,” Starmer declared in a press conference that raised more than a few eyebrows. “Without lots of immigrants, who will vote for us? We need that diverse voting bloc to keep our election hopes afloat.”

In an era where political correctness often reigns supreme, Starmer’s candor has been hailed by some as refreshingly blunt. “It takes guts to say what everyone is thinking,” noted a political commentator, stifling a chuckle. “Who needs a platform when you can import one?”

The Labour Party has reportedly considered updating its slogan to “Labour: Because We Can’t Win Without You,” a move that critics argue blurs the line between political pragmatism and shameless pandering.

The plea for open borders has sparked debates about the intersection of immigration policy and political strategy. “It’s like ordering votes on Amazon Prime,” quipped a skeptical pundit. “Two-day shipping and a diverse electorate.”

While critics accuse Starmer of reducing immigration to a mere electoral strategy, some Labour supporters applaud the transparency. “Finally, a politician who says what we’re all thinking… sort of,” commented one grassroots member.

As the open borders debate rages on, one can’t help but wonder if, in the pursuit of votes, politicians might one day be offering complimentary welcome baskets alongside their campaign leaflets. Only time will tell if this plea for open borders becomes the latest trend in political campaigning or a footnote in the annals of electoral oddities.