Rishi Sunak is reportedly on the hunt for someone to throw a milkshake at him. The peculiar request is said to be a last-ditch effort to garner public sympathy amidst dwindling popularity.

“Sympathy is my only hope now,” Sunak was overheard muttering to an aide, as he wandered the streets of London in an impeccably tailored suit, clutching a sign that read “Will Work for Milkshake.” The Chancellor’s sudden shift from economic mastermind to milkshake martyr has raised eyebrows across the political spectrum.

Sunak’s plan, it seems, hinges on the belief that a well-publicized milkshake assault could transform him from a beleaguered politician into a relatable, everyman figure. “If it worked for others, why not for me?” Sunak reportedly said, alluding to past political figures who have turned similar incidents into PR victories.

Despite his best efforts, Sunak’s search has been met with confusion and bemusement. “I saw him at the corner of Oxford Street, just standing there with a hopeful look in his eyes,” said one passerby. “It was surreal. I thought it was some kind of performance art.”

The PM’s team has been working overtime to orchestrate the perfect milkshake moment, reportedly reaching out to known milkshake enthusiasts and even offering free vouchers to anyone willing to participate. So far, their efforts have been in vain.

Critics have been quick to point out the absurdity of the situation. “This is what politics has come to,” said one commentator. “A grown man, a government official no less, actively seeking to be doused in dairy for a shot at redemption. It’s both tragic and hilarious.”

Sunak’s political opponents have also seized on the opportunity to mock the PM. “Maybe he should try something more original, like a pie to the face,” one rival quipped. “At this point, anything would be an improvement.”

As the search for a willing milkshake thrower continues, the nation watches in a mix of amusement and bewilderment. Whether or not Sunak’s unorthodox strategy will pay off remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the political landscape just got a whole lot messier.

In the meantime, the PM remains hopeful, his eyes scanning the horizon for that tell-tale flash of frothy liquid. “Any day now,” he was heard saying. “Any day now.”
