The Scottish National Party (SNP) has announced they are abandoning their long-standing campaign for independence. Instead, they’re adopting a new strategy to stay relevant in the ever-shifting political landscape: embracing the United Kingdom with open arms.

The bombshell was dropped during a highly anticipated debate where one of the SNP’s most recognizable figures, affectionately known as “that bald guy from the debate,” declared, “You know what, England is actually pretty cool.”

Party leaders, who have traditionally rallied under the battle cry of independence, seem to have had a sudden epiphany about their southern neighbors. Gone are the days of passionate speeches about sovereignty and self-determination. Now, it’s all about cozying up to the English and singing the praises of the Union Jack.

“It’s been a long journey, but we’ve come to realize that maybe we’ve been a bit harsh on the English,” explained Nicola Sturgeon with an awkward smile. “They have some pretty decent tea, and honestly, their football isn’t half bad either.”

The announcement has sent shockwaves through the political sphere, with loyal SNP supporters left wondering if their party has been body-snatched by the British Tourist Authority. Meanwhile, opposition parties are scratching their heads, trying to figure out if this is a brilliant strategic pivot or a comedic masterstroke.

Critics have pointed out the irony of a party founded on the principle of Scottish independence now declaring allegiance to the very country they’ve been trying to break away from. “It’s like if the American Revolutionaries decided halfway through that tea taxes weren’t so bad after all,” quipped a political analyst.

In a bid to reinforce their newfound love for all things English, the SNP has launched a series of initiatives aimed at fostering goodwill between Scotland and England. Plans include organizing joint ceilidh-and-tea-dance parties, distributing free Union Jack flags in Glasgow, and even renaming iconic Scottish landmarks with more “British” flair—Edinburgh Castle is rumored to be rebranded as “Royal Castle of North London.”

As the political landscape in Scotland undergoes this unexpected transformation, one thing is for certain: the SNP’s bold new direction has given everyone something to talk about. Whether this move will boost their relevance or turn them into the punchline of countless jokes remains to be seen.

For now, all we can do is sit back, sip on a cup of English Breakfast tea, and watch the political drama unfold. After all, if “that bald guy from the debate” says England is pretty cool, who are we to argue?