Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has announced that Reform UK, the political party led by Nigel Farage, is to be officially classified as a proscribed terrorist organization, on par with groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS.

In a speech delivered from the comfort of a well-secured, air-conditioned office far from any signs of political dissent, Starmer didn’t mince words. “Nigel Farage is as dangerous as Osama Bin Laden,” he proclaimed, clutching his coffee cup with the same level of determination one might expect from a seasoned counter-terrorism expert. “His rhetoric of, you know, ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ poses a threat to our carefully curated narrative.”

The decision to equate a political party focused on Brexit and national sovereignty with one of the most infamous terrorist organizations in history has been met with widespread bemusement. Critics suggest that Starmer’s move is less about public safety and more about neutralizing political opponents who dare to challenge the prevailing orthodoxy.

“We’ve long known that Nigel Farage’s love for pint-swilling and patriotism had sinister undertones,” said a Labour spokesperson, who wished to remain anonymous while standing under a poster of a rainbow flag and a wind turbine. “But now, it’s official. Anyone seen wearing a flat cap or discussing fishing quotas will be under immediate suspicion.”

The Home Office is reportedly working on new legislation that will classify “talking about the good old days” as an extremist act, while MI5 has been put on high alert for any signs of treasonous behavior, such as voting Reform UK or disagreeing with the benefits of high-speed rail.

Nigel Farage, meanwhile, responded to the news in typical fashion. “I always knew I was a man of the people,” he quipped from his new undisclosed location. “But I never realized I was such a threat to the establishment. Cheers, Keir!”

In a show of solidarity, other political parties have been quick to jump on the bandwagon. The Green Party issued a statement declaring that anyone who has ever questioned the climate change agenda should be viewed as a “potential eco-terrorist,” while the Liberal Democrats are reportedly considering labeling anyone who prefers a traditional marriage as a “domestic insurgent.”

As the country braces for this new era of political correctness, many are left wondering who will be next to face the wrath of Starmer’s “war on terror.” Perhaps those who refuse to acknowledge the genius of ULEZ charges or who still buy their groceries in person? Only time will tell.

One thing is for certain: in Starmer’s Britain, you’re either with the program—or you’re a national security threat.