In a recent public statement, Diane Abbott MP has claimed that Jewish people were not victims of racism during the Holocaust because they did not have to endure segregation on public transportation.

According to Abbott, the fact that Jewish people were not forced to sit at the back of the train to Auschwitz means that they did not experience racism to the same extent as other groups, such as African Americans during segregation in the United States.

“Let’s be clear, racism is about more than just discriminatory laws and policies,” Abbott stated. “It’s also about the everyday experiences of discrimination and oppression that people of color face, such as being forced to sit at the back of the bus or being denied service at a restaurant.”

Abbott went on to argue that Jewish people did not experience this type of discrimination during the Holocaust, and therefore, should not be considered victims of racism.

“Jewish people were sent to concentration camps and millions were killed, but they were not forced to endure the same everyday discrimination as other groups,” Abbott said. “Therefore, we cannot consider them to be victims of racism in the same way as other groups.”

Abbott’s comments have sparked widespread outrage, with many accusing her of minimizing the experiences of Jewish people during the Holocaust.

“Abbott’s comments are deeply offensive and demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the Holocaust and its impact on Jewish people,” said Rabbi David Rosenfeld. “To suggest that Jewish people were not victims of racism is not only factually incorrect, but it also diminishes the suffering and trauma that they endured.”

Despite the backlash, Abbott has refused to apologize for her comments, stating that she was simply trying to spark a conversation about the nature of racism and its effects on different groups.

“I stand by my statement and believe that we need to have a nuanced conversation about the nature of racism and how it affects different groups,” Abbott said. “If my comments have sparked that conversation, then I consider that to be a positive outcome.”