In a move to combat perceived racist stigma surrounding the infamous pandemic that ravaged Europe in the 14th century, the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced its decision to officially rename the Black Death to the Death of Colour.

The WHO’s decision comes amidst growing concerns that the name “Black Death” may contribute to the negative portrayal of people of African descent. “We recognize that the Black Death has caused immense pain and suffering throughout history, but we must also recognize the power of language in shaping public perception,” said a WHO spokesperson.

According to the WHO, the renaming of the disease is a small but necessary step towards eradicating systemic racism in the medical field. “By renaming the Black Death to the Death of Colour, we hope to promote a more inclusive and respectful dialogue around pandemics and infectious diseases,” the spokesperson added.

The decision has been met with mixed reactions from the public, with some applauding the WHO’s efforts to combat racism and others criticizing the move as an unnecessary and frivolous attempt at political correctness.

Critics argue that renaming the disease will do little to address the underlying issues of racial inequality and discrimination that persist in modern society. “This is just another example of the woke left trying to erase history and pretend like racism never existed,” said one detractor.

Despite the criticism, the WHO remains committed to its decision and has already begun working with governments and medical organizations around the world to ensure that the new name is adopted in all official documentation and publications.

The Death of Colour, formerly known as the Black Death, remains one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, claiming an estimated 75-200 million lives across Europe, Asia, and Africa in the 14th century. While the renaming of the disease may not change the events of the past, it serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing fight against racism and discrimination in all its forms.