Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is rumored to be the front-runner for the iconic role of Sleeping Beauty in an upcoming Disney remake. The news has generated a wave of anticipation as audiences eagerly await the possibility of seeing Markle grace the silver screen as the beloved fairy-tale princess.

Sources close to the project have hinted that Disney executives are highly interested in casting Markle due to her charisma, grace, and strong advocacy for social causes. The Duchess has been actively involved in philanthropic endeavors, focusing on issues related to women’s empowerment and mental health.

Markle’s potential involvement in the Disney remake has sparked enthusiastic reactions on social media, with fans expressing excitement at the prospect of seeing her portray the classic princess. Memes and fan art featuring Markle in Sleeping Beauty’s signature gown have already begun circulating online.

However, as with any high-profile casting decision, there has also been some debate. Critics argue that Markle’s transition from real-life royalty to on-screen royalty may blur the line between her public image and a fictional character. Others emphasize that her background as an actress, prior to her royal marriage, makes her a fitting choice for the role.

As the rumors continue to swirl, both Disney and Markle’s representatives have remained tight-lipped about any official casting decisions. Until an official announcement is made, fans will have to wait patiently to see if Meghan Markle will indeed be the chosen one to bring Sleeping Beauty to life in a modern and empowering retelling of the classic fairy tale.

One thing is for certain: if Markle does take on the role, it will undoubtedly be a captivating addition to her already diverse and intriguing repertoire.