The tranquil streets of Wales are now in utter disarray after an unexpected surge in demand for souped-up, turbocharged 30mph disability scooters. The recent decision to impose a 20mph speed limit has inadvertently created a black market for these lightning-fast chariots, leaving traffic authorities baffled and pedestrians wondering if they’ve unwittingly entered a senior citizen Grand Prix.

Local authorities, who believed the 20mph limit would usher in an era of serene and unhurried mobility, are now scrambling to address the unexpected consequence of Wales becoming a hub for modified mobility devices. The once leisurely pace of the nation has transformed into what can only be described as a geriatric version of “The Fast and the Furious.”

“It’s like they’ve put NOS on their zimmer frames,” exclaimed one bewildered onlooker, dodging a convoy of elderly speedsters racing to the nearest bingo hall.

In an attempt to regulate the newfound need for speed among the elderly population, the Welsh government is considering implementing mandatory racing stripes and sponsorship decals for all mobility scooters. This, they believe, will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also foster a sense of competition among the silver-haired speed demons.

Critics argue that this unforeseen scooter arms race is a direct result of government interference in the natural order of things. “They try to slow us down, and we just rev up our scooters!” declared a defiant granny, proudly displaying her nitro-boosted ride.

As the nation grapples with this unexpected acceleration of geriatric adrenaline, one thing is clear: the 20mph speed limit has unintentionally become the catalyst for a new era of high-octane mobility for the senior citizens of Wales. The revolution may be slow, but it’s coming to a pedestrian crossing near you.