The BBC has once again showcased its commitment to creative narrative weaving. This time, the broadcaster has declared Hamas’s recent actions in Israel as a “mostly peaceful” event, leaving viewers to wonder if they accidentally tuned into a parallel universe’s news coverage.

The incident in question, characterized by rocket launches, border breaches, and general chaos, has left many scratching their heads at the BBC’s unique interpretation of the term “mostly peaceful.” It seems the BBC has adopted a new grading system where a few Molotov cocktails and a sprinkle of gunfire qualify as mere background noise in the symphony of tranquility.

“We strive for objectivity,” defended a BBC spokesperson, straight-faced. “And in the spirit of objectivity, we decided to overlook the fiery explosions and focus on the calm, rhythmic chanting coming from the protesters. It was almost like a yoga retreat, but with more airborne debris.”

The network’s dedication to finding serenity in the midst of mayhem has sparked a wave of admiration from those who believe that sometimes a little violence is just the universe’s way of expressing itself.

Critics, however, argue that the BBC’s commitment to “mostly peaceful” reporting might be taking things a tad too far. “If this is ‘mostly peaceful,’ I’d hate to see what they consider an actual disturbance,” remarked one incredulous observer.

As the BBC continues its foray into the realm of alternative realities, viewers are left to ponder whether the network’s next move will be to classify a hurricane as a “gentle breeze with a hint of rain.” Stay tuned for more updates from the world where words mean whatever you want them to.