Former Prime Minister David Cameron is reportedly eyeing a new Foreign Secretary role not for the love of public service, but as a strategic stepping stone to his true ambition—gracing our television screens in the next season of “I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!”

Cameron, known for his leadership during the Brexit referendum and a particularly memorable hum while discussing pork with some unsavory characters, apparently sees the Foreign Office gig as the perfect resume booster for a future in the Australian jungle.

Friends close to the ex-PM claim that he’s been honing his survival skills, which now include mastering the art of camouflage against red boxes and facing a grilling from Piers Morgan.

“He’s always had a taste for adventure,” said one insider. “But this time, the jungle is the adventure, and the only referendum is whether the public will vote to keep him in the camp or send him packing.”

Critics argue that Cameron’s bid for a government role solely to enhance his reality TV career is a slap in the face to traditional public service values. “It’s like using the House of Commons as an elaborate audition tape,” remarked one disgruntled citizen.

However, Cameron seems unfazed by the controversy, stating, “I’ve faced tough decisions before, but nothing quite like a Bushtucker Trial. If I can survive a coalition government, I can handle a few creepy crawlies.”

Only time will tell if Cameron’s political acumen will translate into a triumphant performance in the celebrity jungle. One thing’s for sure—it’s bound to be a ratings bonanza for both politics and reality television enthusiasts alike.