A recent poll indicates that a staggering 89% of Red Wall voters are in favour of a bold new initiative: packing up all British politicians and shipping them off to Rwanda. The surprising proposal has left many scratching their heads, wondering if this is a desperate cry for change or just a case of political wanderlust.

The survey, conducted in the traditional Labour heartlands, asked respondents if they supported the idea of relocating every elected official to the picturesque landscapes of Rwanda. The overwhelming majority responded with an emphatic “yes,” with comments ranging from “a change of scenery might do them good” to “perhaps the gorillas can teach them a thing or two about diplomacy.”

Proponents of the idea argue that a stint in Rwanda could provide British politicians with a fresh perspective on governance, perhaps learning a thing or two about unity and cooperation from a nation that has overcome significant challenges.

“We believe in exporting our politicians to learn and bring back valuable insights,” said one enthusiastic supporter. “Maybe witnessing the resilience of the Rwandan people will inspire them to stop bickering like toddlers in the House of Commons.”

Critics, however, question the feasibility of the plan and whether it’s a veiled attempt to outsource political decision-making to Africa. Some are concerned about the potential diplomatic fallout, while others simply wonder if Rwanda is prepared for an influx of career politicians.

As the debate rages on, one thing is clear: the idea of sending British politicians on an extended field trip to Rwanda has ignited a spark of enthusiasm among the voters of the Red Wall. Whether it’s a genuine desire for change or just a whimsical fantasy born out of political frustration, only time will tell if the proposal gains traction beyond the survey results.