In a seismic revelation that has sent shockwaves through the hallowed halls of Westminster, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has laid bare the truth behind the recent dismissal of Suella Braverman. Contrary to the usual political ballet where sackings are cloaked in euphemisms and strategic jargon, Sunak boldly proclaimed, “Suella was fired for doing what voters want rather than what the World Economic Forum (WEF) wants.”

This bombshell disclosure has left politicians scrambling for their talking points, momentarily abandoning the usual dance of political rhetoric. Braverman, once hailed for her commitment to the concerns of everyday Brits, now finds herself cast out for the heresy of prioritizing voters over the global elite.

During an exclusive press conference where truth flowed like a river in flood, the Prime Minister explained, “Our allegiance is to the people who put us in power, not just those who attend glittering soirées in Alpine retreats.”

Sunak’s audacious move has triggered a passionate debate about the loyalties of the ruling class. Supporters laud him as a defender of democracy, while critics accuse him of high treason for daring to elevate the wishes of the electorate above the whispered desires of international organizations.

The WEF, reportedly “deeply aggrieved” that their puppet strings were unceremoniously severed, now faces the daunting task of finding a replacement marionette capable of delicately balancing the desires of global elites and the aspirations of everyday citizens without becoming ensnared in their own strings.

As the political theatre unfolds, one thing is clear: Rishi Sunak has thrown down the gauntlet, challenging politicians to choose between the people who cast their ballots and the jet-setting elite who convene annually in Davos. The ensuing drama promises to be as riveting as a Shakespearean tragedy or, perhaps, as uproarious as a political satire scribed by a certain bee residing in Babylon.