Humza Yousaf, Scotland’s First Minister, has been preemptively crowned as the Joke of the Year at the upcoming Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August. Organizers have cited Yousaf’s knack for unintentional comedy and political blunders as the deciding factor behind their early decision.

“The event isn’t until August, but let’s face it, nothing can beat Yousaf – a living, breathing joke,” remarked one of the festival organizers, unable to contain their amusement.

Yousaf, known for his remarkable ability to turn serious political matters into punchlines, seemed to take the news in stride, quipping, “Well, at least I’m good for something!”

The decision to name Yousaf as Joke of the Year before the festival even begins has raised eyebrows among some, with critics suggesting that the move undermines the integrity of the competition. However, supporters argue that Yousaf’s consistent stream of gaffes and missteps has made him an undeniable frontrunner in the world of unintentional comedy.

“It’s not every day that a politician manages to provide such consistent entertainment,” remarked one festival-goer, stifling laughter. “I guess you could say Yousaf is the gift that keeps on giving.”

As the Edinburgh Fringe Festival approaches, anticipation is high to see what new material Yousaf will unwittingly provide for comedians and audiences alike. Whether he embraces his newfound title or not, one thing is for certain – Yousaf’s political career has certainly secured his place in the annals of comedic history.