Sources close to Gotham’s criminal underworld reveal that Green Party politicians have been deemed ‘too mental’ to join the Joker’s infamous squad of goons. The Joker, known for his chaotic and unpredictable henchmen, reportedly drew the line at the latest batch of eco-warriors looking to join his ranks.

According to an anonymous tipster from Arkham Asylum, the Joker initially welcomed the Green Party hopefuls with open arms, eager to add a touch of green to his ensemble. However, the partnership quickly soured as the candidates’ extreme environmental zealotry began to clash with the Joker’s brand of unhinged chaos.

“They showed up with reusable water bottles and vegan snacks,” the Joker lamented during a rare moment of candid reflection. “One of them tried to replace my trademark Joker gas with ‘sustainable’ glitter bombs. I love madness, but this was just too much.”

The breaking point, according to insiders, came when the Green Party recruits insisted on conducting an impromptu climate change seminar mid-heist. The Joker, known for his tolerance of mayhem, was reportedly seen shaking his head in disbelief as his potential goons lectured Gotham’s terrified bank staff about the importance of reducing their carbon footprint.

“The Joker may be a criminal mastermind, but even he has limits,” said a bemused Batman, who had been eavesdropping on the absurd proceedings. “Who knew that environmental extremism could actually out-crazy the Joker?”

Green Party leaders, unfazed by the rejection, have announced plans to form their own gang, complete with organic cotton uniforms and bicycle-powered getaway vehicles. Dubbed “The Green Gangsters,” they aim to fight crime in the most eco-friendly way possible, one recyclable at a time.

Meanwhile, the Joker has reportedly returned to his usual recruitment methods, seeking out henchmen who can balance insanity with a touch of traditional villainy. Gotham remains on high alert, but at least now, its citizens can breathe a little easier knowing that the Joker’s brand of chaos won’t be getting an eco-friendly upgrade anytime soon.