In a shocking move, the highly-anticipated Netflix drama “The End of the Line” has been cancelled just weeks before its scheduled premiere, after the lead role was cast as a conservative, heterosexual, white man.

The series, which was set to follow the tumultuous life of a successful Wall Street banker as he grapples with personal and professional challenges, was originally slated to star up-and-coming actor Justin Rodriguez. But after the show’s producers announced that Rodriguez would be playing the role of a conservative white male, backlash from the progressive community quickly ensued.

“We simply cannot condone the glorification of white privilege and toxic masculinity in our entertainment,” said progressive activist Karen Martinez in a statement. “We demand that Netflix take immediate action to address this issue and ensure that our voices are heard.”

Netflix initially attempted to appease the outraged activists by issuing a public apology and promising to hire a more diverse cast and crew for future productions. But the calls for the cancellation of “The End of the Line” continued to grow, eventually leading the streaming giant to pull the plug on the show altogether.

“We deeply regret any harm that we may have caused with our casting decisions for ‘The End of the Line,'” said a Netflix spokesperson in a statement. “We recognize that there is still much work to be done to ensure that our content reflects the diversity of our society, and we are committed to making meaningful progress in this area.”

The cancellation of “The End of the Line” has sparked a heated debate within the entertainment industry, with some critics arguing that it sets a dangerous precedent for artistic expression and creative freedom.

“This is a sad day for the future of storytelling,” tweeted filmmaker John Smith. “If we can’t even portray certain characters on screen without fear of censorship and cancellation, then what kind of world are we living in?”

Despite the controversy, Netflix says it remains committed to promoting diversity and inclusion in all of its future productions.