The world of comedy has seen its fair share of controversies, but the latest tempest in a teapot has managed to raise eyebrows higher than a hipster’s moustache. The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, known for its celebration of all things hilariously absurd, is facing an upheaval as a parade of aspiring open mic comedians have taken to the streets to demand the cancellation of none other than Graham Linehan, the brilliant mind behind the comedic masterpiece “Father Ted.”

Why, you ask? Well, Linehan committed the cardinal sin of expressing skepticism towards certain aspects of the woke trans gender ideology. Oh, the horror! You’d think he’d kidnapped someone’s sense of humour with the way these comedians are reacting.

In a stunning display of unity (and thin skin), the open mic warriors have set up camp outside the festival grounds, armed with carefully curated picket signs and an arsenal of overly verbose placards, all declaring Linehan persona non grata for his thoughtcrime of daring to question the unquestionable. One sign, in particularly convoluted language, seemed to imply that “denying the infinite genders is like denying the existence of the umpteen alternate dimensions in which these fragile egos simultaneously exist.”

Amidst the din of impassioned speeches and on-the-nose comparisons to historical villains, one comedian — who shall remain nameless to spare them further embarrassment — passionately proclaimed, “We will not rest until we’ve successfully canceled a comedy genius whose only crime was creating a timeless show that brought joy to countless people.”

But why stop there? Clearly, it’s time to go back in time and reevaluate every piece of media ever created. It’s about time we uncovered the shocking truth: Shakespeare’s “Much Ado About Nothing” was a scathing indictment of modern intersectional feminism, and Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” was, in fact, a covert recruitment manual for the so-called “Patriarchy.”

The absurdity of this situation is enough to rival the most outlandish sketches from Monty Python, but this time, it’s not a sketch. The comedy world, once a realm of free expression and laughter, is now a battleground where only the “wokest” shall prevail.

As the Fringe Festival contemplates whether it should buckle under the pressure and sacrifice a pillar of comedy history on the altar of ideological purity, we can only hope that rationality, nuance, and the ability to take a joke make a triumphant return to the stage. Until then, let the open mic warriors wield their picket signs and engage in performative outrage, because, after all, what could be funnier than aspiring comedians demanding the cancellation of an actual comedic genius?