The Labour Party has officially announced its plans to change its name to the “We’ll Say Whatever It Takes To Get Re-Elected Party.” The decision comes after a series of electoral setbacks and a growing perception that the party’s positions on various issues seem to be more flexible than a yogi in a circus act.

Party officials gathered for a press conference to unveil the rebranding, where they explained the reasoning behind the bold change. Party spokesperson, Veronica Spinmaster, declared, “We’ve heard the concerns of the electorate loud and clear. We understand that sometimes our messaging can be a tad, shall we say, ambiguous. So, we thought, why beat around the bush? Let’s just tell it like it is!”

The new name, which many are already affectionately shortening to the “Say Anything Party,” is set to reflect the party’s commitment to adaptability and willingness to embrace any policy that might tickle the electorate’s fancy. It’s a move that has been met with mixed reactions from political pundits and citizens alike.

One political commentator, Hugh Rightwington, quipped, “Well, at least they’re being honest about their intentions now. It’s refreshing to see a party drop the pretense and just admit they’ll say whatever it takes to win votes. It’s like a used car salesman proudly renaming his lot ‘We’ll Sell You Anything with Wheels.'”

Opponents of the party are having a field day, with memes flooding social media featuring Labour’s logo morphing into a chameleon. Meanwhile, other political parties are reportedly considering their own name changes to stay competitive. Rumor has it that the Conservative Party is considering “We’ll Promise Lower Taxes, Just Trust Us Party” and the Liberal Democrats are mulling over “We’ll Promise Anything to Be Relevant Party.”

In the end, the “We’ll Say Whatever It Takes To Get Re-Elected Party” hopes that this rebranding will usher in a new era of electoral success, where policies are as flexible as a gymnast in a rubber suit, and promises flow like a never-ending chocolate fountain. After all, in politics, as in life, sometimes you’ve got to say what you need to get the job done.