Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, has announced plans to double the BBC Licence Fee. His reasoning? To express gratitude to the BBC for their supposed assistance in Labour’s electoral endeavors.

“Let’s face it, without the BBC’s unwavering support, Labour wouldn’t stand a chance,” Starmer declared, wearing a sheepish grin that hinted at the irony of his proposal.

The announcement sent shockwaves through the nation, with many questioning the logic behind such a seemingly counterintuitive gesture. However, Starmer remained resolute in his conviction that doubling the Licence Fee was the least he could do to repay the BBC for their apparent role in boosting Labour’s electoral prospects.

“It’s only fair,” Starmer insisted, as bewildered citizens struggled to comprehend the rationale behind his decision. “After all, where would we be without Auntie Beeb’s impartial coverage and insightful commentary?”

Critics wasted no time in lambasting Starmer’s proposal, pointing out the absurdity of rewarding a publicly funded institution for what should be impartial reporting. Some even suggested that the Labour leader’s announcement was simply a thinly veiled attempt to curry favor with the BBC ahead of the next general election.

“It’s like tipping the referee for favoring your team in a football match,” remarked one incredulous taxpayer. “Except in this case, we’re all footing the bill.”

As the nation grapples with the implications of Starmer’s pledge, one thing is clear: the line between satire and reality grows increasingly blurry in the world of politics. And as for the BBC Licence Fee? Well, it seems the joke’s on us.