Londoners are celebrating as the workers responsible for installing Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) cameras across the city have gone on strike. What might seem like a logistical nightmare for environmental activists has turned into a source of relief for many residents tired of the city’s ever-increasing fees and restrictions.

The ULEZ, which was implemented to reduce pollution and encourage the use of cleaner vehicles in certain areas of London, has been a point of contention for some time. But now, with the camera installers on strike, Londoners are finding a silver lining in the form of fewer fines and less surveillance.

“We’ve been saying all along that the ULEZ is just a money-making scheme,” says Nigel Pritchard, a local cab driver. “Now that the cameras aren’t going up, we can breathe a bit easier, both figuratively and literally.”

While environmentalists argue that the ULEZ is a necessary step toward reducing air pollution and combating climate change, many Londoners see it as just another burden on their already strained wallets.

“It’s not that we don’t care about the environment,” says Sarah Jenkins, a small business owner in the city. “But when you’re running a business and you’re hit with these fees and restrictions, it can feel like the city is working against you.”

As the strike continues, Londoners are relishing the temporary reprieve from the watchful eyes of the ULEZ cameras. Some are even joking that the striking camera installers have unwittingly become the city’s newest heroes, at least in the eyes of those who are tired of being fined for driving older, more polluting vehicles.

Of course, the strike won’t last forever, and the ULEZ cameras will eventually be installed. But for now, Londoners are savouring the momentary freedom from fines and fees, enjoying the city as if it were a ULEZ-free paradise.