It has come to light that the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is staffed entirely by Great Tits. No, not the feathered kind that chirp and flit about in trees, but rather a different species altogether – the human kind.

Many had long suspected that the RSPB was run by a flock of bird enthusiasts with a penchant for ornithological puns, but the truth is even more bizarre. It turns out that the entire workforce is made up of humans who, for some inexplicable reason, have decided to call themselves Great Tits.

“We were absolutely flabbergasted,” said one bewildered observer. “We always thought the RSPB was about, you know, actual birds. But apparently, it’s a secret society of folks who just really, really like birds.”

The revelation has sent shockwaves through the world of bird conservation. “It’s like finding out that the World Health Organization is actually run by a bunch of hypochondriacs,” quipped one commentator.

The Great Tits of the RSPB have been keeping their true identities under wraps for years, using their avian moniker as a clever disguise. But now that the cat’s out of the bag (or should we say, the bird’s out of the nest?), the organization faces some serious questions about its mission.

“We’re all for people who love birds,” said a spokesperson for actual birds. “But maybe it’s time for the RSPB to focus on, you know, actual birds. Just a thought.”

In the meantime, the Great Tits of the RSPB remain perched in their offices, keeping a watchful eye on the world of bird conservation, all while sporting feathers of bureaucratic red tape and a chirpy disposition.