The Labour Party has decided to tap into the vast reservoir of economic wisdom harboured by the common man. Their chosen luminary? A random bloke found nursing a pint at the local pub.

“We’ve been thinking, maybe all these experts and economists have been overcomplicating things,” said a Labour spokesperson, adjusting their monocle. “Why not get insights from the salt of the earth, right?”

The unsuspecting patron, identified only as Dave (because, of course, his name is Dave), was approached by a team of eager Labour representatives during his routine Thursday night pint. Initially mistaking them for a pub quiz team, Dave soon found himself thrust into the world of economic policy discussions.

“He seemed to know what he was talking about,” admitted one Labour staffer. “Plus, he bought a round of drinks, so that’s already a better economic policy than we’ve come up with in years.”

Dave, now unofficially dubbed “Economic Dave,” shared his groundbreaking proposals, which included a pint tax break and a national subsidy for pork scratchings. “It’s about investing in the essentials,” Dave explained, waving a pork scratching for emphasis.

The Labour Party, surprisingly receptive to these innovative ideas, is considering incorporating Dave’s suggestions into their next manifesto. “It’s time to bring economic policies back to the people, or at least the ones at the pub,” declared a Labour official.

The move has sparked a wave of optimism among voters who are excited about the prospect of economic strategies forged in the crucible of lively pub debates.

As the Labour Party eagerly awaits Dave’s next round of economic insights, political analysts are left wondering if this unorthodox approach will spark a trend of policy crafting over pints. If nothing else, it’s proof that sometimes, the best economic plans are hatched where the ale flows freely and the wisdom of the pub prevails.