The BBC has unveiled its latest feat: labelling Hamas as a “mostly peaceful terrorist organization.” This ground-breaking semantic manoeuvre has left many wondering if the BBC’s thesaurus is in dire need of a reality check.

In a recent report, the BBC described Hamas, the group known for its charming rocket-based fireworks displays over the skies of Israel, as “largely dedicated to peaceful protests and only occasionally engaging in mild acts of terrorism.”

The report conveniently overlooked the countless rockets fired into civilian areas and the occasional attempt at digging cross-border surprise tunnels – all apparently just creative expressions of discontent.

“It’s all about perspective,” remarked a BBC spokesperson. “Sure, they launch rockets, but haven’t we all had a bad day and just wanted to blow off some steam?”

The report further emphasized that the majority of Hamas members are “passionate advocates for peaceful negotiations” who simply “dabble in the occasional armed conflict to keep things interesting.”

Critics argue that this linguistic contortion not only stretches the truth but ties it into a complicated knot that Houdini himself would struggle to unravel. Some have even suggested that if this trend continues, we might soon see reports like “ISIS: The Weekend Warrior Yoga Enthusiasts.”

As the BBC continues to redefine the English language, one can’t help but wonder what other surprising reclassifications are on the horizon. Perhaps they’ll soon describe tax evasion as “mostly voluntary contribution hesitancy.” After all, it’s all about finding the silver lining in the darkest of clouds – or, in this case, in the midst of rocket smoke.