BBC finds itself embroiled in a drugs controversy after it was disclosed that the Gladiator who is quite obviously on steroids is, indeed, on steroids.

The gladiator in question, aptly named “Bulkus Maximus,” has long been a crowd favorite for his impressive feats of strength and, let’s be honest, biceps that are visible from outer space. However, recent investigations have uncovered the not-so-surprising truth that Bulkus Maximus has been supplementing his diet with a bit more than just protein shakes.

The BBC, known for its riveting sports coverage and hard-hitting investigations, is now facing accusations of failing to notice the subtle signs, such as Bulkus Maximus single-handedly lifting a chariot or sprinting at speeds typically reserved for Olympic cheetahs.

Critics argue that this revelation shatters the integrity of gladiatorial competitions, a bastion of fair play and sportsmanship. “I always thought it was the raw power of Roman wheatgrass shots,” commented one disappointed fan.

In an official statement, the BBC defended its oversight, stating, “We were so captivated by Bulkus Maximus’s dedication to his fitness routine that we failed to consider the possibility that he might be juicing like a particularly ripped orange.”

Bulkus Maximus, undeterred by the controversy, simply flexed his colossal muscles and said, “It’s all-natural… if you consider naturally occurring in a laboratory somewhere.”

As the gladiatorial world grapples with the shocking truth, one thing is clear: the BBC’s sports coverage might need to invest in some upgraded magnifying glasses to spot the more subtle nuances of athletic performance.