Prince Andrew has unveiled a brilliant new strategy to evade the looming threat of a Met Police investigation. In a move that can only be described as avant-garde, the embattled prince has decided to don the attire of a Palestinian protester, hoping that the Met Police will be so confused, they’ll just throw their hands up and walk away.

The prince, often associated with headlines of a less-than-flattering nature, seems to be taking inspiration from the classic “hide in plain sight” approach. Witnesses report seeing him in a keffiyeh, holding a sign that says “Free Scones, Not Suspected Criminals.”

“It’s really a stroke of genius,” remarked one royal expert. “If you can’t beat the investigations, join the protests. Or at least, pretend to join.”

The move, while unconventional, seems to be part of Prince Andrew’s ongoing efforts to redefine the boundaries of royalty. As the allegations swirl around him, the prince is determined to rewrite the narrative by embracing the world of grassroots activism.

“I’ve always been a man of the people,” he declared, adjusting his keffiyeh. “Now, I’m just taking it to a whole new level.”

The Met Police, caught off guard by the unexpected transformation, has yet to release an official statement on how they plan to proceed. Insiders suggest they might be too busy trying to decipher the political statement hidden in the prince’s costume.

As Prince Andrew continues his quest for reinvention, one can’t help but marvel at the lengths some will go to escape the clutches of an impending investigation. It seems the prince is not only rewriting his own story but perhaps also starting a new chapter in the book of eccentric royal strategies.