Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced that he’s officially done with the tedious task of changing lightbulbs at 10 Downing Street. This unexpected proclamation has raised eyebrows and prompted questions about the Prime Minister’s priorities and his vision for the luminosity of the nation.

Sunak, known for his economic acumen, seems to be making a statement beyond just the flick of a light switch. “The people didn’t elect me to be a glorified handyman,” he declared, brushing off any concerns about a potential dimming of Downing Street. “I’m here to lead, not to change bulbs.”

This bold move has ignited debates about the intersection of leadership and household chores. Some argue that a leader should be hands-on in all aspects, from economic policies to the luminosity of the corridors. Others contend that a Prime Minister’s brilliance should be judged by the policies enacted, not the wattage of the light fixtures.

As the nation collectively squints under potentially dimmer Downing Street lighting, Sunak remains resolute. “Let there be light, or not,” he mused cryptically, leaving the nation to ponder if this is a metaphorical commentary on the state of the country or just a leader who’s not willing to stand on a chair to change a lightbulb.

Meanwhile, opposition parties are seizing the opportunity to shed light on what they see as a lack of commitment. “If he can’t handle a few lightbulbs, how can he handle the complexities of government?” remarked one political rival.

As the bulbs flicker and the metaphorical lightbulbs go off in the minds of political analysts, one thing is clear: Rishi Sunak is determined to lead the nation, even if he’d prefer someone else handle the illumination.