Asylum seekers recently sent to the vibrant city of Glasgow are reportedly demanding to be sent back to their countries of origin. This unexpected turn of events has left officials scratching their heads, wondering if they accidentally stumbled upon a reverse immigration miracle.

Upon arriving in Glasgow, the asylum seekers, rather than expressing gratitude for the supposed haven they’ve been granted, were overheard reminiscing about the “quaint charm” of their war-torn homelands. One bewildered official recounted, “I thought they’d be thrilled to escape persecution, but apparently, they miss the chaos and lack of basic amenities.”

The group’s spokesperson, who insisted on being referred to as “Yearning-for-Home Ahmed,” expressed his discontent. “Glasgow is too stable and developed,” he complained. “I miss the thrill of uncertainty and daily surprises, like wondering if I’ll have electricity or a functioning government when I wake up.”

Local residents, known for their warmth and hospitality, were left befuddled by the asylum seekers’ peculiar demands. “We thought they’d be thrilled to join in our haggis festivals and rainy-day optimism,” said one Glaswegian, shaking his head. “Who knew they’d prefer political turmoil and rationed electricity?”

Rumors circulate that the asylum seekers have formed a support group to cope with the shock of landing in a city that boasts things like public services and rule of law. Their weekly meetings reportedly involve sharing tales of adventure back home, like narrowly avoiding war zones and power outages.

As authorities grapple with this unprecedented situation, it seems Glasgow may need to up its chaos quotient to meet the unexpected expectations of those seeking refuge. Who knew asylum seekers would long for the ‘good old days’ of uncertainty and unpredictability? Welcome to the asylum paradox.