the BBC is reportedly contemplating the radical idea of recruiting a candidate who has never uttered anything antisemitic on social media. The move has sent shockwaves through the media industry, leaving many to wonder if this marks the beginning of a new era of journalistic standards.

“It’s a bold move, to say the least,” said one media analyst. “In a world where social media controversies often seem like prerequisites for a job, hiring someone without a trail of questionable tweets is practically revolutionary.”

The BBC’s Human Resources department is allegedly facing its toughest challenge yet: finding a candidate whose Twitter history doesn’t resemble a collision of conspiracy theories and inflammatory rhetoric.

“We’ve scoured the depths of the internet to find someone who hasn’t, even inadvertently, offended a vast array of people. It’s proving to be quite the task,” confessed the head of HR.

The notion of hiring based on qualifications and professionalism rather than the ability to spark outrage on Twitter has left some media pundits perplexed. “I thought getting hired these days required at least one scandalous tweet and a public apology,” quipped one commentator.

While this potential shift in hiring practices has raised eyebrows, it remains to be seen whether the BBC will truly break with tradition and embrace a candidate who hasn’t contributed to the cacophony of online controversy.

In the meantime, aspiring journalists are left to wonder if they need to rethink their social media strategy. Is it possible that a lack of online drama might become the new golden ticket to landing a job in media? Only time will tell if this move by the BBC is a one-off or the beginning of a trend toward hiring people for their skills rather than their ability to stir up social media storms.