In a bold move to expand their voter base, the Labour Party has announced plans to set up membership stalls at all major dinghy landing sites across the UK. This strategic decision aims to capitalize on the recent surge in dinghy arrivals and tap into a demographic that is, quite literally, making waves.

“We’re always looking for new ways to connect with the people,” said a Labour Party spokesperson. “And what better way to do that than by meeting them at their point of arrival?”

The decision to target dinghy migrants has raised eyebrows among political pundits, with some questioning the efficacy of the approach. However, Labour Party officials remain undeterred, insisting that they are simply “meeting people where they are.”

“Our message of inclusivity and solidarity knows no borders,” declared the spokesperson, waving a party flag emblazoned with the slogan “Welcome Aboard.”

The membership stalls will reportedly offer newcomers a warm welcome, along with pamphlets outlining Labour’s policies on immigration, welfare, and housing. Additionally, party volunteers will be on hand to assist with registration and answer any questions migrants may have about the UK’s political landscape.

Critics have accused the Labour Party of exploiting vulnerable migrants for political gain, but party officials dismiss such claims as “baseless fearmongering.”

“We’re not exploiting anyone; we’re offering them an opportunity to engage with the democratic process,” countered the spokesperson. “Besides, if they don’t like our policies, they’re free to join the Conservative Party instead.”

As the Labour Party prepares to roll out their membership stalls at dinghy landing sites nationwide, one thing is clear: they’re determined to ride the wave of immigration all the way to the ballot box. Whether this strategy will float or sink remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure – it’s making a splash in the world of political satire.