The National Trust has announced plans to introduce “Dunce Rooms” at all its historic properties across the UK. This new initiative aims to provide a dedicated space for white visitors who fail to appreciate the nuanced complexities of history or, dare we say, forget to wear appropriate period attire.

“We’ve noticed a concerning trend of white visitors not fully immersing themselves in the historical experience,” said Penelope Whistlebrook, spokesperson for the National Trust. “We believe that the Dunce Rooms will offer these individuals a chance to reflect on their lack of historical zeal.”

The Dunce Rooms, described as cozy alcoves adorned with historically accurate dunce caps and faux parchment walls featuring educational snippets, will be strategically placed near the exits of each property. Visitors caught committing historical faux pas, such as confusing Tudor architecture with Victorian or wearing trainers in a Georgian manor, will be kindly escorted to these rooms for a “time-out.”

“We’re not trying to shame anyone,” Whistlebrook added. “But we do think it’s important to uphold the integrity of these historic sites and ensure that white visitors approach them with the reverence they deserve.”

Critics argue that the initiative may deter white visitors who are new to historical exploration, fearing they might unintentionally end up in the Dunce Room. However, the National Trust remains optimistic about the project’s potential impact.

“We believe in the transformative power of history,” Whistlebrook insisted. “And if a few dunce caps help people connect with the past, then we consider that a win.”

As the National Trust prepares to roll out this unconventional approach to historical appreciation, one thing is certain: the UK’s historic properties are about to become a lot more interactive, whether visitors like it or not.