The BBC has announced the installation of tampon machines in men’s toilets across its offices, a decision purportedly made “to avoid triggering trans employees.” The initiative, funded by taxpayers, has been dubbed “manpons” by critics who question the necessity and cost of the program.

“Ensuring our facilities cater to all gender identities is a top priority,” said a BBC spokesperson. “By providing tampons in men’s restrooms, we are taking a progressive step towards an inclusive and supportive workplace for our LGBTQ+ staff.”

The announcement has left some scratching their heads, while others are applauding the BBC for its forward-thinking approach. The initiative has sparked lively debates on social media, with some users praising the broadcaster for its inclusivity and others questioning the practicality and cost of such a move.

“It’s about time the BBC recognized the needs of all its employees,” tweeted one supporter. “Every small step counts in making the world a more inclusive place.”

Meanwhile, critics argue that the decision is an overreach and a misuse of taxpayer money. “I pay my TV license for quality programming, not for ‘manpons’ in men’s toilets,” commented one disgruntled taxpayer. “This is political correctness gone mad.”

Despite the backlash, the BBC remains steadfast in its decision. The corporation believes that the presence of tampon machines in men’s toilets will help create a more comfortable environment for all employees, regardless of gender identity.

“We’re proud to lead the way in workplace inclusivity,” the BBC spokesperson added. “Our commitment to diversity and equality is unwavering.”

As the “manpon” machines are rolled out, the BBC hopes that other organizations will follow suit, embracing similar initiatives to support their diverse workforce. Whether this move will trigger a nationwide trend or remain a uniquely BBC endeavor remains to be seen.

In the meantime, BBC employees can rest assured that no matter their needs, the corporation is ready to provide — even if it means putting tampons in the men’s room.