In a story that’s part mystery, part political commentary, young Jay Slater has vanished in Tenerife following a rave concert, allegedly to dodge the upcoming General Election chaos back home. The 19-year-old from Manchester left behind a cryptic note for his family, pleading, “Can you please come and rescue me when it’s all over?”

Slater, known among his friends for his disdain for political grandstanding, reportedly fled to the Canary Islands under the guise of attending a massive rave. What his parents thought was just another one of Jay’s adventurous getaways turned out to be his clever escape plan from the “political insanity” of the election season.

“We thought he was just going to dance the night away and enjoy some sun,” said Mrs. Slater, Jay’s bewildered mother. “Next thing we know, he’s asking us to rescue him from the election. It’s classic Jay.”

Jay’s hastily scribbled note, discovered on his cluttered desk, read: “Dear Mum and Dad, I’m off to Tenerife to escape the General Election madness. Catch me on the beach when it’s all done. P.S. Bring snacks and a cold drink.”

Local authorities and the British consulate in Tenerife have been notified of Jay’s disappearance, but early reports suggest he is happily enjoying his self-imposed exile, soaking up the sun and avoiding all political talk.

“He’s always been one for grand gestures,” said Jay’s best mate, Liam. “This is just another one of his ways to stick it to the system. Who knew he’d take it this far?”

Social media is ablaze with hashtags like #FindJay and #ElectionEscape, as sympathizers express a mix of concern and envy. Many Brits, equally fed up with the constant barrage of election news, have begun to see Jay as something of a folk hero.

“Honestly, if I had the money, I’d be joining him,” commented one Twitter user. “He’s living the dream—no political ads, no debates, just endless beach parties.”

Jay’s parents have started a GoFundMe campaign titled “Rescue Jay From Paradise,” aiming to fund a rescue mission—if they can pry him away from the island’s allure. However, some contributors are humorously suggesting the funds be used for their own political escapades.

Meanwhile, local Tenerife news outlets report sightings of Jay dancing at beach parties, clad in neon and sporting a cheeky T-shirt that reads, “Escaped Brexit, Avoiding Elections.”

As Election Day approaches, the nation watches with bated breath to see if Jay Slater will eventually return to the UK. For now, it seems the young man has found his sanctuary, far from the polling stations and political pundits, basking in the sun and dance beats of Tenerife.