The Labour Party has launched a new campaign strategy that involves sending canvassers directly to the beaches of Dover. The mission? To engage with asylum seekers the moment they set foot on British soil.

“We’ve always been pioneers in voter engagement,” said a Labour spokesperson, proudly overseeing a group of volunteers equipped with clipboards, pamphlets, and an ample supply of Union Jack umbrellas. “It’s important to catch the asylum seeker vote as it lands. We want to ensure they feel welcomed, informed, and, most importantly, ready to vote Labour in the next general election.”

The initiative has been met with a mix of confusion, amusement, and outright bewilderment from locals. Fisherman Bob Jenkins remarked, “I’ve seen some strange things down here, but Labour canvassers greeting dinghies is a new one.”

Undeterred, Labour’s beach team is taking their mission seriously. “Every vote counts, and we believe in meeting potential supporters where they are — or in this case, where they’re coming ashore,” explained volunteer Emily Turner, while handing out leaflets titled “Why Labour is Your Lifeline” to a group of bewildered arrivals.

The campaign has sparked a flurry of activity on social media, with some praising Labour’s inclusive approach, while others question the practicality — and legality — of attempting to register asylum seekers as voters before they’ve even had a chance to dry off.

“It’s typical Labour,” quipped political commentator Nigel Stodge. “They’ve always been great at giving away the country’s assets. Now they’re giving away votes as soon as people arrive. What’s next, a welcome hamper with a ballot paper included?”

Meanwhile, Conservative MPs have responded with their own unique flair. One MP tweeted, “If Labour is handing out voter registration forms at the beach, maybe we should start patrolling airport arrivals with Conservative membership cards.”

As the debate rages on, one thing is clear: the Labour Party’s latest strategy has certainly made a splash. Whether it will turn the tide in their favor remains to be seen, but for now, the beaches of Dover have become the frontline of the most unusual voter outreach campaign in British political history.

In the words of one bemused beachgoer, “Well, it’s certainly different from the usual ice cream vans and seagulls. Welcome to election season, 21st-century style.”