The BBC has announced a bold initiative to declare every single month as Pride Month. The decision, seen by some as a visionary leap forward and by others as a head-spinning celebration of inclusivity, aims to smother any lingering embers of intolerance under a colourful avalanche of rainbow-themed content.

“We realized that dedicating just one month to celebrate LGBTQ+ pride wasn’t enough,” explained a BBC spokesperson while sipping from a mug adorned with a rainbow unicorn. “So, why not make every month a Pride Month? It’s like having Christmas every day, but with more glitter and fewer fruitcakes.”

The move has been met with enthusiastic applause from many quarters. “Finally, a way to exorcise all traces of prejudice! Who wouldn’t want to wake up in February and think, ‘Ah yes, this month, I shall bask in the glory of my unwavering support for all things pride-related,'” gushed a fervent fan.

The BBC’s innovative approach has left traditionalists scratching their heads, pondering the intricate balance between celebratory inclusivity and potential overkill. Critics argue that this perpetual parade of pride could overshadow other important issues, like the economy, education, and the alarming scarcity of quality biscuit options in the office kitchenette.

Time will tell if this revolutionary tactic will successfully eradicate bigotry or simply result in a world where everyone walks around dressed as glittery peacocks. In the meantime, as every day turns into a Pride Month, one can’t help but wonder if the next headline will read, “Earth Declares Every Year to Be the Millennium.”