A self-proclaimed brave liberal has boldly declared that St George, the patron saint of England, was, in fact, a Turkish immigrant. This proclamation has stirred the pot of historical debates, with some applauding the “bravery” of the statement and others questioning the motive behind such claims.

“Not only was St George Turkish, but fish and chips? Portuguese. Somebody had to be the first to say it!” exclaimed the audacious liberal, clearly relishing the shock value of these historical twists.

The claims have sparked a wave of reactions across the board. Some have hailed the liberal as a visionary, finally speaking “truths” that have long been suppressed by the mainstream historical narrative. Others, however, have dismissed the assertions as mere attempts to rewrite history for the sake of stirring controversy.

“It’s a brilliant strategy, really,” commented a skeptical historian. “By claiming historical figures and traditions as ‘immigrant contributions,’ one can simultaneously virtue-signal and rewrite history. It’s a two-for-one deal in the world of woke activism.”

In response to the controversial statement, various groups have come forward with their own “shocking” historical claims, from Shakespeare being a Spanish exchange student to the Queen’s Guard uniforms being inspired by ancient Egyptian fashion.

As the debate rages on, one thing is clear: the lines between fact, fiction, and the desire to make headlines have never been blurrier. In a world where being the loudest often trumps being the most accurate, it seems we’re all in for a wild ride down the rabbit hole of revisionist history.