Business magnate Deborah Meaden has raised her voice on the pressing issue of the climate crisis, expressing her heartfelt worry that the picturesque Maldives might sink beneath the waves before she has the chance to redeem her hard-earned air miles for a luxurious getaway.

“It’s truly heart-wrenching to think that the Maldives, with its breath-taking beauty and stunning vistas, might vanish into the sea,” Meaden solemnly declared, pausing to adjust her diamond-encrusted air mile card. “I mean, how am I supposed to enjoy my pristine beachside cabana, complete with a personal butler, if the entire island is underwater?”

Meaden’s impassioned plea comes as the climate crisis continues to dominate headlines and mobilize activists worldwide. Her selfless concerns for her exotic vacation destination have struck a chord with some who share her desire to ensure that tropical paradises remain above sea level long enough for them to capture the perfect Instagram sunset shot.

“I’ve spent years accumulating these air miles,” Meaden continued, her voice quivering with an air of genuine distress. “The thought of not being able to snap a photo of my feet in the sand while sipping a chilled coconut drink is simply devastating.”

As climate activists and scientists scramble to find solutions for rising sea levels and environmental degradation, Meaden’s impassioned plea serves as a heartrending reminder that the climate crisis affects everyone, even those with the most exclusive and heart-warming interests at heart. After all, isn’t it every traveller’s right to capture the perfect vacation selfie before paradise is lost beneath the waves?