Billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has been awarded the prestigious title of “Humanitarian of the Year” by a panel of judges that reportedly consisted entirely of his bankroll. The decision has left many scratching their heads and wondering if money really can buy anything, including humanitarian accolades.

Gates, who is known for his generous donations to various causes through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, was apparently the only nominee in consideration for the award. Sources close to the panel suggest that his vast wealth and propensity for funding humanitarian initiatives might have played a significant role in his unanimous selection.

“It was a tough decision,” said one of the dollar bills on the panel, speaking on condition of anonymity. “But when we looked at the sheer volume of money Mr. Gates has donated over the years, we just couldn’t see past it. He’s clearly the most financially humanitarian person out there.”

Critics have argued that this decision raises questions about the integrity of humanitarian awards and whether they should be influenced by the size of one’s bank account. They also question whether Gates’ philanthropic efforts, while undoubtedly significant, should overshadow the work of countless individuals who have dedicated their lives to helping others with fewer resources at their disposal.

In response to the controversy, Gates released a statement saying, “I’m honored to receive this award, and I want to assure everyone that my intentions have always been to make a positive impact on the world. If my bankroll had any say in this, it’s because it recognizes the importance of giving back and making a difference.”

As the debate rages on, it remains to be seen whether Gates’ “Humanitarian of the Year” title will lead to changes in how such awards are determined or if it will be seen as a one-of-a-kind event influenced by the unique circumstances of an extraordinarily wealthy individual. One thing’s for sure: it’s a reminder that in the world of philanthropy, money talks, even when it’s in the form of a judging panel.