The BBC has once again showcased its unparalleled commitment to creative vocabulary. Rather than succumbing to the mundane and straightforward, the network has decided to eschew the common label of “paedophile” for the late Jimmy Savile, opting instead for the term “overly friendly children’s show host.”

Sources within the BBC report that this decision is part of a broader initiative to make language more colorful and less “judgmental.” The network argues that using terms like “paedophile” is just too black and white and fails to capture the full spectrum of, let’s say, Mr. Savile’s unconventional interactions with minors.

“We believe in providing our viewers with a nuanced perspective,” said a spokesperson for the BBC. “Mr. Savile was a man of many talents, and we wouldn’t want to reduce him to a single label. ‘Overly friendly children’s show host’ encompasses his warmth, his generosity, and his unique way of connecting with young people.”

The move has garnered praise from a handful of avant-garde linguists who appreciate the BBC’s commitment to linguistic innovation. “Language is a living thing, constantly evolving,” said one expert. “Why stick to the old, tired labels when you can coin new and exciting euphemisms?”

However, not everyone is on board with this semantic adventure. Critics argue that the BBC’s refusal to call a spade a spade is a disservice to truth and transparency. “Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar, and a paedophile is just a paedophile,” commented one skeptic.

In any case, the BBC remains undeterred in its quest to redefine the English language, one controversial euphemism at a time. Stay tuned for their upcoming series, “Criminal Chronicles: A Playful Exploration of White-Collar Misunderstandings.”