It has been uncovered that an asylum seeker endured a night of torment, all thanks to a strategically placed pea hidden under several mattresses. The incident has prompted a comprehensive review of migrant accommodation, with officials vowing to address the apparent threat posed by legumes.

The tale of the beleaguered asylum seeker, let’s call them Princess Migranta, unfolded in a manner eerily reminiscent of a certain fairy tale. Complaining of a restless night’s sleep, Princess Migranta claimed that a solitary pea had disrupted her beauty sleep, causing discomfort that even the softest of taxpayer-funded mattresses couldn’t alleviate.

Home Office officials are now scrambling to understand how such a minuscule vegetable found its way into the layers of bedding provided for asylum seekers. Some speculate it might be the work of anti-monarchy veggies, while others suggest it’s a diabolical attempt to overthrow the government, one pea at a time.

“We take the comfort of our asylum seekers seriously,” said a Home Office spokesperson, struggling to keep a straight face. “No one should have to endure the trials of a rogue pea in their quest for refuge.”

In response, the Home Office is considering radical measures, including implementing nightly mattress checks, installing pea detectors, and perhaps even issuing specially designed anti-pea sleeping goggles to all asylum seekers.

Critics argue that this incident is being blown out of proportion and that the real focus should be on more pressing matters, like streamlining the immigration process or addressing genuine concerns of those seeking refuge. But who can resist the allure of a good old pea-induced scandal?

As the nation grapples with the implications of this leguminous controversy, one thing is certain: the pea, once a humble sidekick to mashed potatoes, has now become an unexpected player in the grand theatre of asylum accommodation.