An anti-racist grifter recently made a stunning confession: “If racism ends, I’m unemployed.” The revelation has sent shockwaves through the social justice warrior community, raising questions about the job security of those who’ve turned fighting racism into a lucrative career.

The self-proclaimed champion of equity and justice, who has made a name for themselves by pointing out systemic issues at every turn, apparently let their guard down during an interview. When asked about their long-term goals for a racism-free society, they hesitated before admitting, “Well, if there’s no racism, what am I supposed to grift about? I mean, I’ve got bills to pay!”

This newfound honesty has left some followers feeling betrayed. One supporter commented, “I thought they were in this for the cause, but it turns out they’re just in it for the paycheck. I guess social justice has its price tag.”

Critics of the anti-racist grifter are seizing on this admission, arguing that it’s proof that the fight against racism has become more about personal gain than genuine social change. “It’s like they’ve been selling us raincoats in a drought, and now they’re upset that it might actually rain,” remarked a skeptic.

The grifter, however, remains defiant. “Look, we all have to eat, right?” they said in a follow-up statement. “If I can’t find racism, I’ll create it. It’s called job security, folks.”

As the world grapples with the realization that some activists might be more interested in their bottom line than the cause they champion, one can’t help but wonder: what other social justice issues are being exploited for personal gain? The pursuit of virtue signalling, it seems, has never been so lucrative.