In a stunning turn of events, pop singer Sam Smith has been voted the FisherThem of the Year for 2023. The prestigious award, which recognizes individuals who challenge gender norms and promote inclusivity, has been hotly contested in recent years, but Smith emerged as the clear winner in this year’s vote.

“I am beyond thrilled and honored to receive this award,” Smith stated in a press release. “As a gender non-conforming person myself, it means the world to me to be recognized in this way.”

Smith, who uses they/them pronouns, has been a vocal advocate for the LGBTQ+ community throughout their career, using their platform to raise awareness and promote acceptance. Their music has also been celebrated for its honest and vulnerable portrayal of personal experiences, resonating with fans around the world.

“I think what sets Sam apart is their authenticity,” one fan remarked. “They’re not afraid to be themselves and speak their truth, and that’s incredibly inspiring.”

However, not everyone is pleased with the choice for FisherThem of the Year. Some conservative groups have criticized the decision, accusing Smith of promoting a “dangerous” ideology and encouraging young people to embrace a “confused” identity.

But for Smith and their fans, the award is a testament to the progress that has been made in the fight for gender equality and acceptance.

“I hope this sends a message to young people out there that they can be whoever they want to be, and that’s something to be celebrated,” Smith concluded. “Thank you to everyone who voted, and to everyone who continues to fight for a more inclusive and accepting world.”