The Labour Party is finding itself in hot water for what critics are calling a severe lack of commitment to antisemitism. Long hailed for their ground breaking efforts in the field, Labour is now facing backlash for what some are dubbing a “disappointing decline in good old-fashioned bigotry.”

“It’s truly disheartening,” lamented one disgruntled supporter. “I joined Labour for the antisemitism, and now it feels like they’re just abandoning their roots.”

The controversy sparked when a leaked memo revealed that Labour leaders were actually promoting unity and condemning all forms of discrimination, including antisemitism. This revelation has not been well-received by some party faithful who were expecting a stronger commitment to divisive rhetoric.

“We used to be the trailblazers in this department,” bemoaned an anonymous Labour insider. “Now it seems like we’re just blending in with the rest of those ‘inclusive’ parties. It’s a sad day for bigotry.”

The party’s new slogan, “Harmony for All, Even Those We Disagree With,” has been met with dismay by those who fondly remember the good old days when Labour could be counted on to throw shade at various minority groups.

Critics argue that by veering away from antisemitism, Labour risks losing its distinct identity. “What’s next? Tolerance for diverse opinions? It’s a slippery slope,” warned a concerned citizen.

As the controversy unfolds, some wonder if Labour will manage to reclaim its former glory in the world of divisive politics. Perhaps they’ll introduce mandatory seminars on creative bigotry or a “Bigot of the Month” award to appease their disappointed base. Only time will tell if Labour can find its way back to the roots that made them so uniquely controversial.