Labour MPs who fervently championed lockdowns as the solution to the pandemic are now reportedly fuming over the lack of funds to grease the wheels of political favouritism. The very same politicians who enthusiastically endorsed measures that sent the economy into a tailspin are now shocked to find their pockets aren’t as deep as they once assumed.

“It’s a travesty!” exclaimed one MP, who we can’t name for legal reasons. “We demand lockdowns to save lives, and what do we get in return? An empty piggy bank. It’s almost like economic consequences are a real thing!”

The MPs, renowned for their prowess in promising government goodies, now face the harsh reality that lockdowns don’t come with a magical money tree. Sources close to the disgruntled politicians suggest they’re considering launching a GoFundMe page titled “Lockdown Compensation for the Powerless.”

“They just didn’t think this through,” commented a political analyst, stifling a chuckle. “You can’t simultaneously tank the economy and expect a surplus for political patronage. It’s like demanding chocolate cake and then complaining that there’s no broccoli left.”

Reports indicate that the MPs had grand plans for showering their constituents with generous pre-election gifts, from free Wi-Fi to personalized thank-you cards signed with genuine political sincerity. However, the economic fallout from the lockdowns has left these ambitions in tatters.

In a remarkable show of unity, MPs from opposing parties couldn’t resist a collective eye-roll. “Maybe next time they’ll consider the economic fine print before advocating for drastic measures,” quipped one opposition member, who may or may not have been stifling a more sardonic remark.

As the MPs recalibrate their expectations, political observers are left wondering if this humbling experience will lead to a newfound appreciation for the delicate dance between public health measures and economic repercussions. Only time will tell if lessons are learned or if, like a political Groundhog Day, the cycle will repeat itself with each new crisis.