Keir Starmer, the leader of the Labour Party, unveiled his highly anticipated election platform with a resounding message: “What do you guys like? We probably like that too, whatever it is.” Accompanied by an enthusiastic double thumbs-up, Starmer seemed confident that this vague yet agreeable approach would resonate with the masses.

Surrounded by a carefully curated backdrop of smiling constituents from all walks of life, Starmer took the podium and declared, “Friends, citizens, potential voters – we’ve done the research, crunched the numbers, and the results are in: we like what you like. Simple as that.”

The platform, which some political analysts have described as “boldly agreeable,” promises to align with the preferences of every conceivable demographic. Starmer went on to list a range of potential interests, from sipping artisanal coffee to appreciating the nuanced color palette of paint swatches at Home Depot.

“We’re not here to impose our preferences on you,” Starmer affirmed. “We’re here to nod vigorously and say, ‘Yes, that sounds great!’ to whatever it is that makes you tick.”

The crowd erupted in a polite yet slightly confused applause, unsure if they were witnessing a political rally or an avant-garde improv show.

Critics, however, questioned the substance of Starmer’s approach, asking whether a thumbs-up and a promise to agree with everything could form the basis of a viable political platform.

In response, Starmer doubled down, “This isn’t about policies or agendas. It’s about vibes, folks. Positive, agreeable vibes that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside. We’re the party of good vibes.”

As Starmer exited the stage to the upbeat soundtrack of a generic feel-good pop song, one thing was clear: the Labour Party was ready to embrace whatever it is you’re into, no questions asked.